Okay, so I know I'm getting a late start but I just though- wow, you know what would be awesome- if I could blog about ANTM somewhere. It seems like everyone is blogging now about something, I guess I felt left out. Now, I'm not going to blog about my life- because who cares anyways, and I'm not going to blog about my photography because who am I kidding, I'm not famous (yet) so- no one cares. So the next logical thing is to blog about something I know about- well, I KNOW about ANTM.
So, this is what this is: my thoughts about ANTM, inspired by ANTM, and in anyway pertaining to ANTM (including anything on the Tyra Show- if I manage to catch it). It is not: a way to find out "what's going to happen next". I do not look at photos posted before the show airs, I do not watch clips before the show airs, or any other spoiler-like things. The only things I do see is what is on www.cwtv.com or the wikipedia page for ANTM (ps. it's amazing).
Now, I know the show is like half way over- but whatever. There will be more cycles.
So...let's update, shall we?
So far, in Cycle 11 we have seen these contestants eliminated:
Brittney "ShaRaun" B., 18, Chicago, IL (Woah, she was so overly confident in that first show. Thank goodness they put this girl in her place. time to grow up!)
Nikeysha Clarke, 19, Bronx, NY (I swear she looked more like a man than Isis.)
Brittany Rubalcaba, 19, Henderson, NV (She was boring.)
Hannah, 19, Fairbanks, AK (Crazy eyes!! Crazy eyes!! Crazy eyes!! Her ignorant statements didn't bother me anywhere near as much as her CRAZY EYES!!)
Isis King, 22, Prince George's County, ML (This "it" was fierce. I don't care what anyone else says- it was not her time to go.)
Still in the running is:
Analeigh Tipton, 19, Sacramento, CA (At first I wasn't a fan, I thought she was overly confident but I love her more and more everywhere, and after watching some of the bonus clips on www.cwtv.com I love her even more. I'm so rooting for her.)
Clark Gilmer, 19, Pawleys Island, SC (Boring. Blah. She's just your typical pretty girl. She could never actually be a top model. Her boobs are way too big.)
Elina Ivanova, 19, Seattle, WA (I hate hate hate hate hate that horrible hair they gave her. Oh, and I hope they make her do something really sexist for a shoot- it'd be funny.)
Joslyn Pennywell, 23, Lucky, LA (BORING.)
Lauren Brie Harding, 20, Charlottesville, VI (She keeps surprising me with good photos but I can't help but feel like she just gets lucky. She needs to put make-up in her eyebrows on a daily basis, it would make her a lot prettier in person.)
Marjorie, 19, San Francisco, CA (She's so weird. Isn't about time they kicked off the weird one?)
Brittany "McKey" S., 19, Lake Forest, IL (I liked her better with red hair but that is just something off about her that I don't like. Tyra was all about her last episode and I'm just not feeling it.)
Samantha Potter, 18, Woodland Hills, CA (She's 18, therefore I don't think she should win. I think she should be in high school, with the other normal 18 year old girls- graduate- then decide what to do. No 18 year old girl is ready for the world of modeling.)
Sheena Sakai, 21, Harlem, NY (I love her. Although I loved her more at the beginning. I don't like what they did to her hair- asian-ing her up. They seem to be using her as the typical token Asian girl when really she has more of a black style. I wish they'd let her be her.)
Okay...so the shows thus far...
Episode One- They should never ever ever use those horrible graphics every again. No.
Episode Two- Clark is an idiot. I mean come on. And if you watch the extra footage on www.cwtv.com you can see how dumb she really is.
Episode Three- REALLY cool photo shoot. Isis should have gotten more credit for her/his photo.
Episode Four- I hate hate hate Elina's make over. Plus besides her and McKey there really wasn't anything drastic enough for me. I want a white girl bald.
Episode Five- Crazy eyes can't walk. The coolest thing about this shoot is that they shot it in a pool midday and it looks like it's in a volcano at night. Oh and Nigel is so hot.
I'm excited about next week, the shoot is "Natural Disasters" which is bound to be really awesome. The episode 7 shoot is "Caught in a Bathroom". I wonder if they'll do an anorexic girl. No one could ever be as good as Amanda(it was Amanda right?)
My favorite pictures so far: